Sunday, October 30, 2016

A Friday Night At Saint Michael's

On Friday, October 28th, a movie night event was held in the community room at Saint Michael's church. A small group of parishioners centered on a simple idea - invite kids to a safe place for a fun night together.

It worked.

With Halloween around the corner, a Trick-or-Treat movie was the main attraction. The 1993 film Hocus Pocus captured the attention of a dozen + kids and the adults who ate popcorn beside them. My one-year-old daughter "watched" the movie by jogging laps around the crowd and randomly tickling someone in the audience. Some kids wore costumes. Others did not. Some were members of Saint Michael's. Some were not. Everyone laughed together.

Each kid received a treat bag and an invitation back for more community room events. The small group who put this event together saw success. In total, over 40 people, young and old, participated in the movie night. While Hocus Pocus has entertained for over two decades, this night was more about a movement, not a movie.

The thought is that kids in Johnstown deserve more opportunities to get together and be a part of something good.

Something positive.

There is an opportunity for this small group to grow if adults, regardless of religion, rally around the simple idea that is the cornerstone - provide a safe place for kids to have fun. It is an idea that has strengthened my faith. It may lead to someone else finding theirs.

In the weeks and months to come, this Saint Michael's small group will brainstorm ways to grow. The memory of kids laughing together will be the motivator.

And if there is anything that can brighten one's day it is listening to a kid laugh.

Even if that laugh is the result of an untimely tickle attack from my daughter during a movie.

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