Monday, June 4, 2018

Amazing May

Amazing Grace

On a Thursday evening in May, my wife and I were at Our Mother of Sorrows church and surrounded by community members. The connection - Alpha, a Christian-based course offered around the world and locally initiated years ago at this Johnstown parish. This weekday celebration brought people together who shared a bond and a belief. "How sweet the sound" was heard and felt. Initiated by a dedicated few in our region, the Alpha course has helped many, including myself, shape and shift their spirituality.

Amazing Face

While my wife and I were singing Amazing Grace, my 3-year-old was pretending to be a turtle. Her younger sister, age 14 months, was being the shell. They were not at church. They were at the babysitter's humble abode. So deep into character, my eldest and wisest daughter was sliding her skull across the carpet, burning the first layer of skin off her nose. Her fearless tortoise role was Academy Award worthy and appreciated by her family, friends, and all those who support her imagination. At the time of this blog, she is still healing and remains willing to star as a jungle or barnyard animal.

Amazing Race

The 2018 edition of the Path of Flood Historic Races was a sight to behold. Almost a thousand competitors participated in one of the three distances - 5K, 12K, and half marathon. I have participated in the 5K each year and decided to challenge myself this spring. The 12K was a unique and fun route that included a scamper through the Staple Bend Tunnel. After emerging from the wilderness, the final stretch was in sunny Conemaugh to Peoples Natural Gas Park. As my feet pounded the pavement and the sun scorched my skull, I called upon some inner inspiration. I could still hear Amazing Grace. I sprinted to the finish line. Thanks to all the race organizers, volunteers, and competitors who make the Path runs a huge success.

Amazing Space

To end the month, my wife and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary without the presence of our children. We did not recklessly abandon them. Their loving grandparents provided love, nourishment, and housing. Our coastal getaway was a blessing. It was also incredibly bizarre not having our daughters around. Having a window of opportunity free from parenting provided an unparalleled amazement. When we triumphantly returned to Johnstown, those daughters hugged us hard. It was amazing to be back and so, so, so much louder.

Amazing Place

While part of me could have stayed on the Rhode Island shoreline, it was never in doubt - I was coming home. Johnstown is where I am from. It is where I belong. I've witnessed grace here. My daughters continue to grow here. I'll keep running through our neighborhoods, sometimes with a stroller.

Goodnight Johnstown. There is always something to be grateful for. Discover something or someone amazing.

And if you need a pick-me-up, come watch my daughter pretend to be a reptile.

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