Saturday, January 13, 2018

A 3 Year Journey

Upon turning 3, my daughter announced she wanted to remain 2. This predicament threatened the celebratory nature of a standard birthday, especially that of a child. Eventually, she worked through denial and danced the night away.

In her 3 years of life, 3 things stand out the most - health, music, and laughter. Those 3 things are important and here is why:


There has been a lot of sniffles, sobs, and snot along the way, but all and all, I am grateful for my daughter's health. We have had some nasty falls and close calls. We have endured ear infections, boo- boos and battle cries. I recently did a load of laundry with a diaper in the washing machine. While discovering this immense OOPS, my daughter was attempting to rip down her Barbie house. The clothes were salvaged. The house did not collapse. My mental health was weakened. Only the strong survive.

On one of our last adventures together before my daughter reluctantly turned 3, we went to Seven Springs. We completed a Dad-Daughter triathlon - swimming, mini-golf, and bowling. Her health and growing mind and body were on display. She is an eager and excellent swimmer. She has no golf etiquette and she would rather be a groundskeeper. She spent most of her time picking rocks out of the 18th hole cup. And her bowling game - carefree and dangerous. I look forward to more triathlons.

On her birthday, she got a doctor's checkup. She stood 3 feet tall with a cough. She did not care about her congestion. She was thrilled she could now qualify for more amusement park rides due to her stature. She gave me a huge hug and coughed on me. It was beautiful.


From an early age, my oldest daughter has loved music. The Muppets version of Bohemian Rhapsody is where it all began. When her little eyes met Animal's, a drummer was born. Her "drummer face" is a defining characteristic - a no nonsense, passionate expression. While Animal is her idol, local musicians have blazed her musical trail. A Dan Becker CD has become our Subaru soundtrack. Our daughter frequently requests "Fly Away" as the Outback is in motion. On her 3rd birthday, Dan elevated Happy Birthday with a ukulele. Inside Mill House Cafe, a 3-year-old girl got a special performance.

And hours later, The Evergreens made her birthday party. This local duo brought our house down with a birthday set list that included the Sesame Street theme song, Taylor Swift, and John Denver. In what feels like a long time ago, my wife and I heard The Evergreens play and we were hooked. Now they are our friends and inspiring a 3-year-old to beat to her own drum and keep that musical mind at work. As our family danced to "Leaving on a Jet Plane", a Brownstown basement was full of smiles, wonder, and love. Music brings people together.

Later that week, my daughter was on stage.  She does not shy away from the spotlight. For years, Jill and Leah Gontkovic have been harmonizing at the Holiday Inn. Our daughter first heard this sister duo before she could crawl. Now, she walks on stage and chats with the girls in between songs. These are her people - kind, musically gifted Johnstowners.

Thank you Dan, Laurel, Amanda, Jill, and Leah. Keep playing and we will keep coming.


My first three years as a father have been full of laughter. On her birthday, a Wednesday, I used a vacation day. Standing near the bathtub, I implored my birthday girl to wash herself - no one wants to stink on their big day. This was in the morning and at a time when she still wanted to be 2. She politely then violently refused to get a bath. With watery eyes and no chance in hell of getting in the water, she screamed at me, "JUST GO TO WORK, DAD! GO TO WORK!"

She eventually got in the tub and I did not go to work. We had a great day together - me, her mom, her baby sister, family, friends, neighbors, musicians, and the friendly staff at Laurel Pediatrics. On the same day I couldn't convince her to get a bath, she asked her doctor to "keep checking me up", essentially feeling like she was not getting enough medical attention. Our daughter is funny and parenting is nuts.

At church on Saturday night, the priest talked about finding moments of silence and there was an intention for those living in chaos. If you have lived in a home with small children or are currently living in one, you know chaos reigns and silence is a myth. While the priest is talking about silence, I am in a pew of chaos. It is my life. Finding time for reflection is important, but I'm holding on tight to my funny children.

 It has been a chaotic and blessed journey.  I feel good about the birthdays ahead. Cheers to good health, good music, and a good laugh.

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