Saturday, February 17, 2018

Movie Review: Peter Rabbit

On Saturday afternoon, my wife and I took our 3-year-old to see Peter Rabbit at Westwood Plaza Theatre. Please enjoy my fatherly observations:

1. Bottomless popcorn for humans is the equivalent of a garden without a gate for hares. Neither species can resist.

2. Sam Neill stars as Mr. McGregor. 25 years ago, he was Dr. Alan Grant in Jurassic Park.  He can survive a jungle full of dinosaurs, but he perishes from a persistent bunny rabbit (spoiler).

3. Placing a candle on a table and getting food is a genius concept. My wife and I wish the Plaza Theatre's magic would work at home. Light a candle and within 15 minutes, someone puts food on the table. Also, when food is thrown on the floor, we don't pick it up. We simply leave and go on with our day.

4. If one of my neighbors would decide to move, I want Rose Byrne to buy their house. She plays Bea. She is hillarious and I love her accent.

5. I don't know why pink lemonade outclasses lemonade, but it does. Bottomless pink lemonade is the...(see #1)

6. When arriving in the theatre with a 3-year-old, it is important to play mathematical defense. We had 4 in our party ( 2 parents, a grandmother, and the 3-year-old). The calculation is for every person in your cinematic experience you multiple by 2. Thus, we need 8 seats. Our 3-year-old did not sit in any of them.

7. Peter Rabbit has some high quality action sequences. I don't get out much, so Peter Rabbit action sequences really did provide a thrill.

8. Kids love fictitious electrocution. (Spoiler) There is a lot of jolts in the film and the young crowd loved each and every shock.

9. I doubt the rooster will get an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor, but the movie's dive into the psyche of a male chicken at sunrise is outstanding.

10. Our daughter had two potty breaks during the film and politely asked to "pause" Peter Rabbit during the first bathroom trip. Get off the potty and your high horse.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! My nephews are coming over this weekend and I can watch this movie with them. Last week we finished watching shows by Andy Yeatman and therefore, I have started looking for nice movies. I was thinking about adding some sci-fi movies as well to the list.
