Thursday, January 10, 2019

A 4-Year Education

Today is a graduation day. My oldest daughter is now 4. Since becoming a Dad, a true freshman, on January 10, 2015, I have learned a lot. There are a lot of crazy parts to parenting, but the craziest thing might be how much inner-change occurs once that baby comes out, looking like something from outer space.

The easiest way to look back on the last four years is through pictures - and we have a boatload of options. As for our second child, there are much less options - because she is our second child. It is not like we love her any less.  It is a natural phenomenon not to take as many pictures during Round 2.

Anywho, my favorite picture of our birthday girl is her gazing deeply at a butterfly. It was taken by her school teachers during her first month of 3-year-old academia. My love of nature and my love for her is captured in a beautiful moment - ambitious, young girl meets awe-inspiring butterfly. It brings a smile to this kid at heart; a message from Mother Nature and a growing girl to be forever young. 

Youth certainly does not last forever; however, kids at heart never graduate. They grow, and with each blessing, bump, and bruise, they grow stronger. And through it all, they take time to stop and appreciate the butterflies. 

It has been a terrific four years. If she was forever a three-year-old, I would be in the loony bin, seeing imaginary butterflies along side my loving wife, who would also be having butterfly hallucinations. 

I can't wait until I have two teenage girls and everything is so much easier.

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