Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Dear Graduates

Geneva Preschool Graduates:

On Sunday, May 31, 2020, you stood in cap and gown under a glorious setting sun. You were blessed with a beautiful evening to celebrate academic achievement. Your ceremony would be streamed, tagged, liked, and dispersed across a wondrous web. Ultimately, you, the class of 2033, landed on Youtube, the social media moon. 

However ... orbiting around your celebration is a country in turmoil. As the ten of you said the Pledge of Allegiance, we, the adults, had to ponder if our nation is in fact "one". Standing like a constellation, you boys and girls looked indivisible. You sounded ready and unafraid. And happy. And maybe you can go out and seek justice for all. But, for now, just be kids. For now, just seek your hiding friends. 

Chase birds. It is much more thrilling than living your life tweet by tweet. Also, chase dreams. Your childhood super power is the gift of impenetrable dreams. Those dreams should never be politicized or criticized. And, even if they are, build character by continuing the chase. Get after it. 

On your graduation night, each of you introduced your "Name Song". Your name matters. Your life matters. All life matters. Keep singing. Spread positivity one note at a time. The music you made tonight drowned out the noise that all too often bombards our adult brains. 

And I would be a fool not to recognize and celebrate your teachers. Their efforts over the last few months were nothing short of heroic. No one could have predicted how this school year played out. They provided cheer and direction when the world was confused and lost. They used a technology called Zoom to educate and jack you up on ice cream before bed. One of your teachers sprang up like Michael Jordan in an attempt to save a balloon from entering the atmosphere on this last hoorah. She came oh so close in an "Air Jordan" for the ages. 

I watched that balloon disappear into the sky. It happened fast. Growing up happens fast too. Make a pledge to each other to enjoy the summer; to spend time with those you love; to continue your education somehow someway, each and every day. Keep what you want. If I were you, I would hold on to faith and a sense of humor. That just might keep you indivisible after all. 

Cassidy. Maggie. Julianne. Arya. Lincoln. Maria. Wyatt. Alex. Reed. Lily. Congratulations.


  1. This is basically the most beautiful thing I have ever read, I needed this right now, we all need this right now. Thank you for your uplifting words. The juxtaposition of the innocence in these children and the waves of fear and evil we have all witnesses these last months hit my heart. Thank you for writing this, thank you, thank you.

  2. Just one word to describe this wonderful insight--superb!
