Saturday, November 7, 2020

What Counts

One of the breakthrough moments of childhood is learning how to count. In adulthood in the United States of America, we have taken counting to new ridiculous heights. We are counting in-person and by mail and by conspiracy theory and by the hour and getting updates by the hour even when there are no updates to give. Adults are outbabbling toddlers from coast to coast in a sleep deprived annoyance that is all too familiar.  

For the record, The Count, resident of Sesame Street, is the best representative of this great nation. When the 2024 election rolls around, I want The Count Live, counting every single vote. I don't care if it takes 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 months. He will announce each and every vote with joyous and rhythmic patriotism. With no affiliation and a pure love for counting, there will be no controversy. He just counts. Every network and every website and every social media platform is restricted until The Count is done counting. All eyes and ears on The Count. We don't need opinions, predictions, projections, and red and blue maps. 

Absurd? Considering what has transpired in 2020, I think this is realistic. In fact, it is brilliant if I could highjack mass media, ensure one unbiased voice, and subject the populous to simplicity. 

And if there is one thing kids get right, it is being simple. And if there is one thing adults get wrong, it is being simpletons, which by definition, centers on foolishness.

First, we are all winners today. We all wake up winners tomorrow. We live in the United States. Yes, we are divided, but "our" here is a blessing that bypasses so many adults and strikes so many children. My daughters gleamed over seeing a herd of bison today off of Route 30. Were the bison social distancing? No. Did my 3-year-old want to jump the fence and enter their herbivore world? Yes. 

Kids do not define their existence by a person. Or a party. Or a social media account. At least not at the age of my youngsters. I do fear that Faceplant, Instabook, and TockTic will slowly and painfully eat the innocence of youth like ravenous zombies, but this is Positive Johnstown...we shall overcome!

So, this blog is for the kids too young to read blogs. Too young to give a flying squirrel about what I have to say. Too young for left/right, Democrat/Republican, and anything other than macaroni and cheese. Let the good kids of this earth pee their pants while the grown ups poop on each others' political parties. 

And adults do not need to grow up. They need to go back. Go back to experience. Go back to wonder. Go back to an identity shaped by love and learning. 

But, as the bison graze, "we" will undoubtedly babble and bite each other in the field. And it would be offensive to say that in doing so "we" are acting like children. 

Children are still learning. Let's show them "we", the adults, can still learn too. 

To understand that division is not final. That a President - no singular person - defines us. 

The Count, 2024. 

Count your blessings. 

God Bless America. 


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